Olivier Durbano Parfum de Pierres Poèmes

Olivier Durbano, olfactory poems engraved on stones and crystals

Olivier Durbano, architect of tangible poems and designer of liquid emotions. His story is engraved on stones and crystals, first witnesses of a journey of personal, spiritual and artistic growth which finds its expression in the collection Parfums & Bijoux Pierres Poèmes (Poems Stones – Jewellery & perfumes).

Olivier Durbano was born in Cannes and grew up in Grasse, the ancient cradle of perfumery, where he presently lives and creates. Since childhood, the arcane and complex charm of stones and crystals drew his attention and has became the subject of collection and study. His training as an architect and designer is only one step in the context of a larger project that comes to life at the beginning of the second millennium when he created a line of hard stone necklaces that caught the attention of a prestigious boutique of Lyon.

Olivier-Durbano-BijouxAn extremely polite and reserved man, lover of travel, of nature and life, his many interests include history, philosophy, astrology and geology. His creations come to life thanks to a strong intuitive sensibility that guides the artist through a long and meticulous research of historical details, myths, legends, esoteric symbols and numerology surrounding a specific stone. The Rock Crystal, often used for meditation and crystal therapy practices, inspires his first fragrance, Cristal de Roche, presented in 2005. Since then, begins a path that welcomes every year a new creation, up to today’s collection that groups 12 olfactory gems. Each of them is a small talisman, expression of an exclusive perfumery intended not only as an aesthetic complement but, above all, as an access key to an interior and spiritual dimension, a connection between the tangible and the invisible, bound to spread a message of peace, love and universal beauty.

Olivier-Durbano-pierres-poèmesThe collection Parfums & Bijoux Pierres Poèmes includes, in addition to fragrances, precious jewelry crafted in hard stone and crystals, as well as a colorful collection of silk scarves, unique pieces that reproduce the inspiration of the 12 perfumes through a collage of images depicting gems, symbols and landscapes from the several places visited by the artist. The fragrances, in Eau de Parfum (20% concentration) and Parfum (40% concentration), are the wonderful witnesses of a charming and sensitive portrayal of the physical and energetic properties as well as of the symbolic value of the reference stone.

Olivier-Durbano-Lapis-LazuliIn September 2016, Olivier Durbano presents his twelfth creation: Lapis-Lazuli Pierre du Ciel #12. The fragrance, woody and aromatic, opens through the green and balsamic breath of cypress and tea tree, supported by a spicy touch of cloves and wrapped in absinthe and rose oxide notes that confer a mystical aura to the composition. In a slow evolution, the fragrance reveals a silky heart of iris nestled between aromatic hints of thyme and wheat, protected by a soft mist of vegetal milk. It’s in this dreamlike dimension that the sky of Lapis-Lazuli reveals its immensity, amid vigorous woody notes of cedar and vetiver on a warm accord of resins and balsams (ambergris, elemi and Tulu) where a milky way of musk lights up one by one all the stars in the firmament.

Olivier-Durbano-GrasseThe Lapis Lazuli, is a blue night stone sprinkled with golden specks, since ancient times was considered the symbol of heavenly forces and the lucky star, talisman that favors intuition and inspiration. On the wake of this fragrance, Olivier Durbano celebrates 12 years of his career with the inauguration of a beautiful boutique in the heart of Grasse, in Place aux Aires, al numero 7 di Rue des Moulinets. Wrapped in the charm of the old town, on the height of Grasse, set among the narrow alleys and stone steps, the new Boutique of Olivier Durbano It is the culmination of a dream but also a cozy and precious casket in which are kept  – and can be admired – the wonderful pieces of a Collection Dreamed, Created and Made in Grasse.

The creations of Olivier Durbano Poems Stones – Jewellery & perfumes can be purchased directly from the artist’s web site to this LINK and are available in few selected boutiques.


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