There’s no life that couldn’t be immortal if only for a moment (Wislawa Szymborska, 1923 – 2012) Warszawa sample pack (ph. credit Anthoscents) Puredistance is an independent perfume house whose motto has always been “Small is beautiful”, related to a concept of true exclusivity and a highly selective distribution. Founded in 2007, today…
A life cradled by the soft, intoxicating scent of thousands of petals, a career devoted to the exaltation of the ephemeral beauty of flowers. To Saskia Havekes, Australian artist and founder of the brand Grandiflora, the search for the most precious and rare botanical species is a true vocation. Branches, blooms and foliage…
Una vita cullata dal soffice ed inebriante effluvio di migliaia di petali, una carriera votata all’esaltazione dell’effimera bellezza dei fiori. Per Saskia Havekes, artista australiana e fondatrice del marchio Grandiflora, la ricerca delle specie botaniche più preziose e rare è una vera e propria vocazione. Rami, corolle e fogliame nelle mani di Saskia…