
Labradorite #13 by Olivier Durbano, the sensual heart of a crystal universe

Divinity and magic are prisms through which we interpret mistery, so that even when we are convinced we are observing life from a completely rational perspective, a soupçon of one or the other remains, in a nuance, in a fleeting redolence, in the blinking of an eye. From the first spark of life…

Marchi profumieri Olivier Durbano Standard

Labradorite #13 by Olivier Durbano, il cuore sensuale di un universo di cristallo

Divinità e magia sono i prismi attraverso i quali interpretiamo il mistero e, quand’anche fossimo certi di osservare la vita da una prospettiva totalmente razionale, un pizzico dell’uno o dell’altro resta, in una sfumatura, in un fugace profumo, in un battito di ciglia. Dalla prima scintilla di vita nel grembo di madre…


Boronia by Grandiflora, the sensual beauty of a wildflower

Those who imagine that there’s nothing more exciting and surprising than nature itself, have not yet experienced the poetry of a flower blooming on the skin. Saskia Havekes and Bertrand Duchaufour (ph. credit Anthoscents) Framed by colourful blossoms, exotic carnivorous plants and inebriating petals, Grandiflora perfumes have made their triumphal…


Pélargonium by Aedes de Venustas

…”Like prolonged echoes mingling in the distance, in a deep and tenebrous unity, vast as the dark of night and as the light of day, perfumes, sounds and colors correspond” (from Correspondences, Charles Baudelaire). Aedes de Venustas, the renowned “Temple of Beauty” from New York, gives a “face” to its eighth Muse:…

Aedes De Venustas Marchi profumieri Standard

Pélargonium by Aedes de Venustas

“…Come lunghi echi che si sovrappongono in lontananza, in un’unità tenebrosa e profonda, vasta come la notte e come il chiarore del giorno, i profumi, i colori ed i suoni si rispondono” (tratto da Correspondances di Charles Baudelaire). Aedes de Venustas, noto “Tempio della bellezza” Newyorkese, dona un “volto” alla sua ottava…