Ankh Sun Amon
Anima Mundi Marchi profumieri Standard

Ankh Sun Amon, la regina di Anima Mundi

“Sorgi come Nefertem dalla ninfea azzurra, fino alle narici di Ra (creatore e dio del sole), ed innalzati all’orizzonte ogni giorno” (dal Libro dei Morti). Anima Mundi (l’anima del mondo) é un nuovo marchio di profumeria artistica che nasce da un lungo e meticoloso lavoro di ricerca e dalla fervida creatività di…


Labradorite #13 by Olivier Durbano, the sensual heart of a crystal universe

Divinity and magic are prisms through which we interpret mistery, so that even when we are convinced we are observing life from a completely rational perspective, a soupçon of one or the other remains, in a nuance, in a fleeting redolence, in the blinking of an eye. From the first spark of life…

Marchi profumieri Olivier Durbano Standard

Labradorite #13 by Olivier Durbano, il cuore sensuale di un universo di cristallo

Divinità e magia sono i prismi attraverso i quali interpretiamo il mistero e, quand’anche fossimo certi di osservare la vita da una prospettiva totalmente razionale, un pizzico dell’uno o dell’altro resta, in una sfumatura, in un fugace profumo, in un battito di ciglia. Dalla prima scintilla di vita nel grembo di madre…


Under my Skin by Francesca Bianchi, alchemical seduction

A gust of wind and, listlessly, a leaf flows away from the bare tree brenches, twirling like a ballerina on a twilight stage. The cold light of a November day illuminates an autumn afternoon. Nature is performing in its last solo, before the curtain of winter comes down to envelop it with surreal…


The immortal charm of Warszawa by Puredistance

There’s no life that couldn’t be immortal if only for a moment (Wislawa Szymborska, 1923 – 2012) Warszawa sample pack (ph. credit Anthoscents) Puredistance is an independent perfume house whose motto has always been “Small is beautiful”, related to a concept of true exclusivity and a highly selective distribution. Founded in 2007, today…


Panthea by Stéphane Humbert Lucas 777

Parading across the clouds A phoenix has risen Nuances in her shine Through the shadows wreak Havoc in your mind, peace in your heart Evanescence and illusion blend in dove’s purity A woman of mystery… (Panthea – Stéphane Humbert Lucas) (ph.credit Anthoscents) Panthea is a new fragrance of niche brand…