Marchi profumieri Nasi e materie prime Onyrico Standard

Artimitia by Onyrico, un fiore allo specchio

Riflessi di luce che scalfiscono l’ombra, un gioco di specchi e motivi ricorrenti, vibranti, squillanti e sussurrati, che accarezzano e risuonano come una melodia intrappolata in un prisma di cristallo. (ph. credit Onyrico) Onyrico, prestigioso marchio di profumeria artistica che racconta in note la storia del “sogno italiano” e delle figure…


Artimitia by Onyrico, a flower in the mirror

Light reflections scratching the shadow, a play of mirrors and recurring themes, vibrant, sharp and whispered, that caress and resound like a melody trapped in a crystal prism. (ph. credit Onyrico) Onyrico, the prestigious brand of artistic perfumery transposing into notes the story of the “italian dream” and of  the figures that…

Naias by Sammarco Perfumes

Naias by Giovanni Sammarco, the nymph with violet eyes

“A very beautiful woman hardly ever leaves a clear-cut impression of features and shape in the memory; usually there remains only an aura of living color.” (William Bolitho) Naias is the new fragrance created by Giovanni Sammarco, perfumer and independent nose, also founder and owner of the Swiss brand of selective…