He cultivated a vision in the half-light of a dream, sprinkling it with passion and poetry, then one day he planted the seed of music and three flowers came to life. The Radikal Line rises from a cooperation between Laurent Mazzone, author and art director of a perfume excellence renowned worldwide, and Mattias…
Ha coltivato una visione nella penombra di un sogno, irrorandola di passione e poesia, poi un giorno vi ha piantato il seme della musica e sono nati tre fiori. La Radikal Collection è il risultato di una collaborazione tra Laurent Mazzone, autore e direttore artistico dell’omonima eccellenza profumiera famosa in tutto il…
Profumi d’Amore is the new perfume collection of the prestigious Maison Roja Parfums. Three beautiful perfumes inspired to love in its most romantic, passionate, sensual, unforgettable expression. An olfactory representation that describes three different chapters of a love story: the beginning of a relation, the attraction and courtship in Amore Mio; a love declaration,…
Our passions feed us, they complete us, they identify us and enthuse us. Sometimes, they represent our way to escape from daily routine and to dream, other times, they become a way of life and our main occupation. Join The Club by Xerjoff is a prestigiuos perfumes line that allow…