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Splendiris di Parfums Dusita, sfogliando le pagine di un sogno

C’era una volta un uomo, un artigiano di parole gentili, che soleva girare il mondo abbracciando con il cuore ogni frammento di vita. La sera, sedeva di fronte ad una finestra spalancata, aspettando che l’oscurità ammantasse l’esistenza di stelle e speranze. In quelli istanti magici e silenti di ombre danzanti al…


Splendiris by Dusita Parfums, leafing through the pages of a dream

Once upon a time there was a man, a craftsman of gentle words, who used to travel the world embracing every fragment of life with his heart. In the evening, he sat beside an open window, waiting for darkness to envelop the existence of stars and hopes. In those silent and magical…


Maison de Parfums Berry, from the heart of Normandy

Normandy, a land rich in culture, history, traditions and legends along with wonderful landscapes and exquisite architectural works, from Rouen’s gothic cathedral, beyond the cliffs down to Mont Saint-Michel. Cradle of Impressionism and a destination for writers, dreamers, poets and artists, like Monet, who, ravished by the opalescence of a dawn…