“A good perfume adapts to the person and to the personality. It must neither precede nor follow the wearer too intensely; it should not emanate imperiously. Thus, it is never unseemly but always delights. It can be breathed from the wrist, or wafted in the air when hair is shaken loose. Modest…
Laurent Mazzone Parfums unveils a new surprising chapter of the Radikal Collection, the beautiful series of Extraits de Parfum dedicated to flowers. The protagonist of the latest sensorial hologram is an unrivaled diva, a fairy charmer, a night whisperer known for her irresistible appeal: the Tuberose. Radikal Tuberose aims to draw an unexpected portrait…
UERMI, an Italian brand of selective perfumery whose name draws on the phonetics of Wear-Me, reinvents itself and comes back to life in a new look and significant restyling with a new collection of fragrances inviting to dress the skin and intensify our own moods. UERMI’s olfactive wardrobe becomes ambassador of the new “Wear Your…
UERMI, marchio italiano di profumeria selettiva il cui nome attinge alla fonetica di Wear-Me (indossami!), si reinventa nell’estetica e nella sostanza attraverso una nuova collezione di fragranze che esortano a vestire la pelle ed esaltare gli stati d’animo. Il guardaroba olfattivo UERMI si rende portavoce di un nuovo Prêt-à-porter intitolato Wear Your Mood.…
Dal coacervo di virtù e pulsioni che affollava la sua natura, scelse di arrendersi al più delicato sentire: la tenerezza. Vi si abbandonò, percependone il calore diffuso e confortante ed il chiarore speranzoso che, come una fiaccola, lo guidava oltre il limbo esistenziale. Nudo e vulnerabile nella sua consapevolezza umana, sospeso in una…
From the medley of virtues and drives that permeated his nature, he chose to surrender to the most delicate feeling: tenderness. He abandoned himself to it, perceiving its diffused and comforting warmth and the hopeful light that, like a torch, guided him beyond an existential limbo. Naked and vulnerable in his human awareness, suspended…